A: Just $10, considerably less than other stores.
Take your medications, feel better, and save money.
You can save hundreds of dollars on prescription drugs starting today by joining Hartig Drug’s Prescription Discount Card program. If you don’t have prescription insurance, or if your current insurance does not cover the medications you need to take, we’ve got a great plan for you.
Pay Less
You will save on thousands of brand-name and generic drugs for conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and more.
Pay less to join
Our membership fee is just $10 — about half of what the national chain drugstores charge.
Sign up fast
Just fill out the application card located in the Prescription Saving Plan brochure at any Hartig Drug location.
Questions and Answers
Q: What is the membership fee?
Q: Is my entire family covered?
A: Yes.
Q: How much will I save?
A: You’ll save at least 20% on 5,000 brand name and generic drugs and you’ll get most of your prescriptions (using generic drugs).
Q: Can I join if I'm on Medicare?
A: Sorry, you cannot join the Hartig Drug Prescription Discount program if you are receiving Medicare benefits.
Q: When does my coverage start?
A: As soon as you complete the form and give it to our pharmacist.
Q: Do I need to have my card to receive discounts?
A: No, if you are just picking up your medicine.